Audio Markup Data for:

Mazurka in B Minor, Op. 30, No. 2 performed by Rubinstein (1939)

Label:Naxos 8.110656-57
Track:19        Track Duration:  1:23 minutes
Related Performances:Ashkenazy (1981), Ashkenazy (1982), Bacha (1999), Barbosa (1983), Biret (1990), Blet (2003), Brailowsky (1960), Bunin (1987), Bunin (1987), Chiu (1999), Clidat (1994), Cohen (1997), Cortot (1951), Cortot (1957), Csalog (1996), Czerny-Stefanska (1989), Ekier (1987), Ezaki (2006), Ferenczy (1956), Fiorentino (1961), Flière (1977), Fou (1978), Fou (2005), François (1956), Frugoni (1962), Goldenweiser (1946), Groot (1988), Hatto (1993), Hatto (2006), Horowitz (1945), Indjic (1988), Jonas (1947), Korecka-Soszkowska (1995), Kushner (1990), Lilamand (2001), Luisada (1990), Lushtak (2004), Magaloff (1977), Magin (1975), Malikova (1999), Meguri (1997), Michelangeli (1971), Milkina (1970), Mohovich (1999), Niedzielski (1931), Ohlsson (1999), Olejniczac (1990), Osinska (1989), Pobłocka (1999), Rangell (2001), Rubinstein (1952), Rubinstein (1966), Schilhawsky (1960), Shebanova (2002), Smith (1975), Sofronitsky (1960), Sofronitsky (1961), Sztompka (1959), Uninsky (1959), Wasowski (1980), Yaroshinskiy (2005)

For usage instructions, see the information page. There are three possible format for markup files which can be downloaded from the colored columns on the right of the page:

  1. Au = Audacity (version 1.3 or higher) markup file with zero duration for each tag.
  2. /D = Audacity >=1.3 markup file with durations give for each tag (time until the next tag).
  3. SV = Sonic Visualiser time instants tags.
  4. SVf = Sonic Visualiser time function data.
Markup by Measure
  • Score measure numbers plus repeat indicators. Format: measure[-repeat].

  • 7-2
  • Score measure numbers from approximate average tapping data.

  • 7-2Au/DSV
  • Verbose measure information, with four fields: p = Performance measure number, a = Absolute beat number into performance, s = Score measure number, and r = Score measure repetition number.

  • p23 a67 s7 r2
  • Verbose approximate measure information from average tapping data.

  • p23 a67 s7 r2Au/DSV
    Markup by Beat
  • Beats indicated by score measure number, repeat indicator and metrical position of beat in measure. Format is: measure[-repeat]/beat.

  • 7-2:3
  • Beats indicated by absolute beat position into performance.

  • a67
  • Beat tempos in beats per minute (60/duration).

  • 120.0
  • Approximate beat tempos from average tapping.

  • 120.0SVf
  • Composite tap locations from multiple reverse conductings of the performance. The tag indicates which trial for the tapped beat.
  • 5AuSV
  • Average tap locations for beats from multiple tapping sessions.
  • 7-2:3AuSV
  • Average tap locations for beats from multiple tapping sessions indexed by absolute beat number.
  • a67AuSV

    Markup by Event
  • Average tap locations for beats plus estimated off-beat locations.
  • 7-2:3.5AuSV
  • Estimated off-beat locations only (no beats).
  • 7-2:3.5AuSV
  • Average tap locations for beats plus estimated off-beat locations.
  • a67.25AuSV
  • Estimated off-beat locations only (no beats).
  • a67.25AuSV

    Automatic Feature Markup
  • Enumerated Bello onsets

  • x42AuSV