MzSpectrogramFFTW |
MzSpectrogramFFTW -- Demonstration of how to create spectral data using FFTW from time data supplied by a host application.
The MzSpectrogramFFTW plugin accepts time-sequence audio data as input from the host application and applies a Fourier
transform to the data generate a spectrum. The plugin then
calculates and outputs the non-negative frequency magnitude
MzSpectrogramFFTW generates 1 output:
- 1.
The MzSpectrogramFFTW plugin produces the same output as the MzSpectrogramClient
The difference between the two plugins is how the output is produced.
MzSpectrogramClient calculates with a basic FFT algorithm, while
MzSpectrogramFFTW calculates with a sophisticated FFT algorithm
which is 3 to 4 times faster.
So in the long run, you will save lots of time using the FFTW transforms
rather than a basic FFT algorithm (although it will take a lot
more time to get things compiled the first time using FFTW).
MzSpectogramFFT is a useful template for how to write your
own frequency analysis plugin where more control over the transform
process is necessary, or you want to implement a transform other than
a Discrete Fourier Transform, such as a wavelet transform.
Also, the analysis window applied to the audio signal in MzSpectrogramHost
is controlled by the host (usually selected by the user, or set to a
default type). If your plugin needs a specific analysis window which
cannot be supplied by the host, then you should use a client-based
transform as given in this example plugin.
In order of complexity:
- MzSpectrogramHost --
demonstrates how to receive and process spectral data from
the host application.
- MzSpectrogramClient --
demonstrates how to generate and process spectral data generated
from time data provided by the host application.
- MzSpectrogramFFTW -- described on this page: demonstrates how
to do three-to-four times faster Fourier transforms than MzSpectrgramClient.
- MzNevermore -- a full-featured
Spectrogram display function based on MzSpectrgramFFTW.