How to do encode beats for many performances of one composition Sun Jul 1 20:10:16 PDT 2007 Craig Stuart Sapp ========================================================================= (1) Prepare note onset times in the directory: .../mazurka/website/ana/sapp-onset/ by typing: make everything This will create onset files for all mazurkas which do not have onset files already. (2) Download recordings for a particular mazurka. (3) Convert the recording into WAVE files: for i in *.mp4 do /cygdrive/d/faad/faad.exe $i echo $i is done done (4) Create a listing of all files you will process ls pid*.wav > step1/filelist.txt Such as: pid5667274b-06.wav pid58917-06.wav pid9054b-12.wav pid9056-07.wav pid9057j-07.wav pid9059b-16.wav (5) CD to step1 directory: cd step1 (6) Using the file, run the program ./makesvfilesbasic filelist.txt This will create SV project files for all files listed in filelist.txt. Alternatively type: make And the SV files will be created and moved to the base directory. (7) Run SV on all of the wave files using this command: for i in *.sv do /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Sonic\ Visualiser/sonic-visualiser.exe $i done Tap to each performance using the ';' key on the keyboard. Type control-S to save after finished tapping. (8) Copy all of the saved .sv files into the step2 directory. (9) Extract the tapping data to text files: ./extracttaps *.sv (10) Download onset data from*/pid*.onset010 ./getonsets mazurka17-4 *.sv (11) Snap all taps to nearest onsets: ./snapall *.txt (12) =================================================== Creating Andrew input data files (1) Save corrected tapping data as a Annotation layer (text file format) (2) upload to website (3) create directory mazurka/website/info/revcond/pid* (4) go into that directory and type: ln -s ../Makefile.performance Makefile (5) create measure labels for annotation layer data (called z.txt here) ../bin/makemeasurelabels 3 0 z.txt > pid*-clean.txt where 0 is the pickup count (1 = 1 pickup, 2 = 2 pickups) z.txt can then be deleted. (6) Check that the measure count and pickup are correct in the -clean.txt file (7) Add 9-line header in this format: ###performance-id: pid9085-16 ###title: Mazurka in C-sharp minor, Op. 63, No. 3 ###trial: 01/01 ###date: 2007/03/28/ ###reverse-conductor: Craig Stuart Sapp ###performer: Halina Czerny-Stefanska ###performance-date: 1949 ###label: Muza PNCD006 ###label-title: International Chopin Piano Competitions (8) Create a tap file: ../bin/sv2revcond pid*-clean.txt > pid*-01.tap (9) Create a kern score file (usually copying from another performer who plays the same piece and with the same repeat structure). (10) type source /etc/profile.d/ to load Humdrum commands (11) type: make allsingle (12) go to parent directory and type: make index =================================================== Store tempo changes in Excel Spreadsheet (1) edit the file pid*-clean.txt and remove labels and header (keeping only timings) (2) copy and paste into Excel spreadsheet using existing spreadsheets/worksheets as a guideline.