Performance comparisons sorted by performer

Click on one of the following performer names to view comparative performance analysis plots for that performer. Click on the "wo/avg" after the performer's name to view the same plots without the average of all performances represented in the plots.

The mazurka count specifies how many mazurkas for which there is performance data, and the performance count specifies how many total performances found on each page (a mazurka can be played more than once by a performer).

For each performance, there are five comparative plots. Each plot displays the closest performance at different timescales to the given performance for a specific performance feature:

  1. full tempo curve = beat-by-beat tempo throughout the performance.
  2. smoothed tempo = smoothed version of #1.
  3. desmoothed tempo = #1 minus #2, or what is removed to generate the smoothed tempo curve. This is primarily the inequality of beats in the mazurka metrical pattern, as well as sudden tempo changes to accentuate isolated notes.
  4. global beat dynamics = beat-by-beat dynamics measurement in the performance which is measured by sampling the loudness in the performance at the beat locations.
  5. joint tempo/global dynamics = data from #1 and #4 combined into one plot.

Underneath each plot is a list of the best performance matches found in the plot along with the percentage of the plot it matches best to the reference performance. When a performance feature matches well to other performances, a second list is found underneath the percentage plot. In the second list, performances which are strongly similar to the reference performance are highlighted in red along with a similarity score. Similar performances are highlighted in orange, and slightly similar performances are highlighted in yellow.

Afanassiev, Valery
Anderszewski, Piotr
Ashkenazy, Vladimir
Ax, Emanuel
Bacha, Abdel Rahman El
Barbosa, Antonio Guedes
Beliavsky, Daniel
Ben-Or, Nelly
Biret, Idil
Blet, Stéphane
Block, Michel
Blumental, Felicja
Boshniakovich, Oleg
Brailowsky, Alexander
Bunin, Stanislav
Chiu, Frederic
Clidat, France
Cohen, Patrick
Coop, Jane
Cortot, Alfred
Csalog, Gábor
Czerny-Stefańska, Halina
Ezaki, Masako
Falvay, Sándor
Farrell, Richard
Ferenczy, György
Fiorentino, Sergio
Flière, Yakov
Fou  Ts'ong
François, Samson
Friedman, Ignacy
Gierżod, Kazimierz
Goldenweiser, Alexandre
Gornostaeva, Vera
Grinberg, Maria
Groot, Cor de
Harasiewicz, Adam
Hatto, Joyce
Horowitz, Vladimir
Horszowski, Mieczysław
Indjic, Eugen
Jonas, Maryla
Kapell, William
Katin, Peter
Kiepura, Marjan
Kilenyi, Edward
Kissin, Evgeny
Kitain, Anatole
Kushner, Karen
Lévy, Lazare
Lilamand, Charles
Luisada, Jean-Marc
Lushtak, Faina
Lympany, Moura
Magaloff, Nikita
Magin, Milosz
Malcuzynski, Witold
Meguri, Yumiko
Michałowski, Aleksander
Michelangeli, Arturo
Milkina, Nina
Mohovich, Maria
Moravec, Ivan
Nadelmann, Leo
Neighaus, Henry
Nezu, Rieko
Niedzielski, Stanislas
Ohlsson, Garrick
Olejniczak, Janusz
Osinska, Eva
Pachmann, Vladimir
Paderewski, Jan
Perahia, Murray
Perlemuter, Vlado
Pobłocka, Ewa
Rabcewiczowa, Zofia
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Rangell, Andrew
Richter, Sviatoslav
Risler, Édouard
Rosen, Charles
Rosenthal, Maurycy
Rubinstein, Arthur
Rummel, Walter
Schilhawsky, Paul
Shebanova, Tatiana
Śmidowicz, Józef
Smith, Ronald
Sofronitsky, Vladimir
Szpilman, Władysław
Sztompka, Henryk
Tanyel, Seta
Tomsic, Dubravka
Tsujii, Nobuyuki
Uninsky, Alexander
Vardi, Arie
Wasowski, Andrzej
Weissenberg, Alexis
Yaroshinsky, Andrey
Zak, Jakov
Zimerman, Krystian