###performance-id: pid5667274b-06 ###title: Mazurka in C-sharp minor, Op. 63, No. 3 ###trials: 1 ###date: 2007/03/29/ ###reverse-conductor: Craig Stuart Sapp ###performer: Ignacy Jan Paderewski ###performance-date: 1930 ###label: Philips 456 919-2 ###label-title: Greatest Pianists of the 20th century, vol. 74 ###offset: 0 ###COM: Chopin, Frederic ###CDT: 1810///-1849/// ###OTL: Mazurka in C-sharp Minor, Op. 63, No. 3 ###OPS: Op. 63 ###ONM: No. 3 ###ODT: 1846/// ###PDT: 1847///-1848/// ###PPP: Leipzig and London (1847); Paris (1848) and London ###ODE: Countess Laura Czosnowska ###AIN: piano ###ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp ###END: 2005/03/21/ 31.141 0:3 42.404 0:3 63.128 0:3 69.296 0:3 99.564 0:3 122.055 0:3 127.388 0:3